Using the cloud for data backup and recovery

Data backup and replication is one of the most common and straightforward uses of the cloud in hybrid scenarios. Cloud storage is relatively inexpensive and, for all intents and purposes, unlimited,
and these facts open up a number of useful application scenarios. In the next few sections, we will examine several such scenarios in which Azure storage complements on-premises assets.

Azure Backup
Backup, of course, although unheralded, is one of the most important functions that any IT department performs. In many cases, compliance or other legal requirements force businesses to retain data for long periods of time. Traditionally, backup requires secondary media, a secure location
to store backups, and a set of operational procedures to both carry out the backup process and recover the data in the event of a catastrophe.

By employing easy-to-use tools and the inexpensive storage available in the cloud, you can augment
or replace existing backup mechanisms with Azure Backup.

Azure Backup operates in a hybrid model, utilizing a VPN tunnel to connect onsite resources to the
Azure cloud. You can then use Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager, enhanced for the
cloud, to backup and restore data. Azure Backup will retain data for up to 99 years with 99.9% availability. Backed-up data is secure and encrypted, and other features such as data compression and
bandwidth throttling ensure optimum use of IT and network resources.

When designing your IT ecosystem to take advantage of Azure Backup, think about the following:

 Which applications would most benefit from offsite backup? This will help you to prioritize the
applications to which you should deploy Azure Backup first.

 How much data do these applications maintain? This will help you to properly size the offsite

Source of Information : Microsoft Enterprise Cloud Strategy

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